there is magic

there is magic in speaking true, in using your voice to align with truth.

there is a certain magic that comes from that,

like casting a spell or enchanting the wind to dance with

the branches of a weeping willow tree…

there is such magic in that.

there is magic in accepting yourself,

in staring at your fragmented reflection, and embracing it.

there is a beautiful magic in calling back all the missing pieces

in that shattered mirror, and staring deeply into that reflection,

and accepting all of you…there is such magic in that.

there's magic in standing in union with god,

in firmly holding your ground, as you stand a top the mountain with all who came before you

staring at the fast landscape as the sun rises and lightning, every bush, tree, hill, and stream,

conducting the melody of the birds and the harmony of the whales in a symphony of symphonies.

there's magic in the hand resting on your shoulder,

feeling you was late and a feeling of safety for it as a hand of one and one is many…

there is such magic in that.

there is magic in the inner wisdom, that you are not alone,

that when you walk on this earth, every footstep resounds in the cosmos,

like the march of an angelic army journeying its way back home

there is such magic in that.

there is magic in waking up every morning and dancing through life in spite of all the darkness,

knowing your light shines true, for you are in alignment and one of many, thus never alone.

there is everlasting magic in that… and that magic is within you.

my reflections:

this was the second channeled poem i wrote. i was filled with such joy post my meditation and had already begun my inner child healing intentions. i was reminded of the magic that exists within all of us and how as we grow up we get more and more disconnected from it.

this particular poem felt very fluid, and there was a target that it wanted to reach: that magic is within you.

i enjoyed painting this cosmic landscape, as if the poem itself was zooming out further and further, and yet becoming more and more intimate at the same time. there was such magic in writing this particular piece.


i am


angelic invocation